Sunday, June 26, 2016

Lightsaber Crystals

This is a pseudo guest post by my son (aka "the Boy"). He and a friend were in the backyard dueling with their "build-your-own" lightsabers from Disney World. In an epic exchange, one of the lightsabers fell apart and a little door popped open revealing three plastic crystals in the flashlight handle. When you pull them out in different combinations, the energy vibration sound changes. We've had these toys for a few years and this is the first we've known of this. There are a few comments on blogs around the web, but not a whole lot of info is out there. "Dad, will you put this on your blog so we can get the word out?" So here we are.

To find the crystals, take off the grip pieces from the flashlight handle, like you're going to change the batteries. Right next to the battery compartment, is the crystal chamber. Here's step-by-step photographs showing the sequence:
The crystals pull out by the top edge where there's a little ridge. They go back in easily the same way. If you have trouble reinserting them, rotate them around and make sure they are in the right slot. It's not too hard to force them in the wrong way making it difficult to pull them back out. Here's a close up of the compartment with and without the crystals:

With three crystals, there are eight possible combinations, but turns out there are only three different sounds. Here's a truth table with links to the sound files.

Extra credit if you draw the logic circuit to implement the truth table.

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